Light + Building I: New Products

Light + Building I: New Products

Monday, Mar 26, 2018

The Electrix team traveled to Germany last week to support Meyer Lighting as they debuted several new luminaries at Light + Building 2018!

The Highline is a small form, integral driver facade luminaire with three distribution options: 6° narrow beam; 93° wall wash or 35° asymmetric. The Highline's small profile packs a powerful punch for washing and grazing facades.

The Monospot is a complete family of minimalist floodlight. With no visible hardware, the design won raves from lighting designers around the world. The star of the line up is the Monospot 3 with the Vario Optic which allows for a beam angle adjustment from 11° - 48° in the field with the fixture operating.

The Monospot family offers a complete range of outputs with Monospot 1 providing 580 lumens through the Monospot 4 offering up to 6000 lumens. The Monospot 4 also adds RGBW and tunable white to the mix.

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